First WP Plugin: Another Author Box


Firstly, author box was static, i just added html codes to single.php. Then when i have a look at WordPress API, changed my mind and this turned into a plugin.

As you can see in image, Another Author Box plugin shows a box on posts/pages which includes profile photoname, bio and some social media links.

Bio is provided by wp profile bio. Also profile photo is from grAvatar. This version has only 3 social media links: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

After installed the plugin, “Author Box” settings page will be shown under the settings menu. You can change showing options and some other stuff.

Plugin downloadable on

Please do not hesitate to contact me for bugs or suggestions.

1 Yorum

Customize RSS WP Plugin | Oğulcan Orhan | Kişisel++; için bir yanıt yazın Yorumu iptal et


